Photo by Jenn Seva

December 28, 2022

"Clicking into Place"

Every year, at about this time, Elsa and I spend some time doing ‘a year in review.’ We look at our calendar and our photos to recall the significant activities, changes or turning points that happened during the year. When we do this, we project ourselves back to January 1 when the year ahead seems new and full of possibility. In some ways, it feels like watching a movie where you have that feeling of anticipation, “can you believe it? The January 13 Elsa doesn’t know what’s coming to March 16 Elsa, when a single meeting will change the trajectory of the year.”  Or “look at how happy we were at the beginning of that hike, not knowing that by the end we’d be contemplating a trip to the emergency room.” It’s a retrospective foreshadowing.

This year on balance was not filled with a bucket full of adventure like 2017 or even 2020.  When I look at our calendar we have a lot of work-related appointments and a cluster of social gatherings at the end of the year.  We hiked, we did some house remodeling, we took naps often.

For whatever reason, 2022 was remarkably satisfying. We walked the dog 363 out of 365 days. We experimented with new cooking styles thanks to Kenji Lopez’s book called The Food Lab which takes a scientific approach to mastering recipes. We ate more salads, watched the entire run of the Big Bang Theory and continued our exploration of whiskeys, local and national.  

There were a few important turning points. In March, Elsa was re-acquainted with an attorney who needed a Chief Operating Officer for Catalyst Law, a female owned, B-Corp striving to make working in a law firm an enjoyable experience (what a concept!) and that is “in service of radical progressive systemic change." That conversation led Elsa to change jobs in May, launching her into what she says now is one of the hardest and most satisfying jobs she’s ever had. With Elsa’s help, the firm has undertaken a round of strategic planning, changed office locations, cleaned up financials from the last 3 years, and even acquired another firm whose owner is retiring. Elsa is making it happen!  In case you are wondering, Catalyst Law's practice areas are business, nonprofit, estate planning & administration and probate.

Elsa and I also continued the commitment to never buy another gas-powered car when we ordered an electric Mini Cooper….ordered in April… to be delivered in August. Getting a new car is fun, but we also had the anticipation of tracking the car as it sailed on a container ship from Denmark, through the Panama Canal, and up to San Diego where it was then trucked up to Portland. Elsa’s new car traveled more than we did this year.

We also were finally able to try out the Christmas gifts from last year, a standup paddle board for Elsa and an inflatable kayak for Eric.   Mila took her first swim in a lake and Eric’s mom took a turn on the paddle board too. What a great way to enjoy the record heat in Portland this summer!

Eric’s company, Page Two Partners, continues to grow. Now with 17 consultants, helping nonprofits navigate leadership transitions, they are on the verge of hitting the 5-year mark. As part of that work, he finished up a 13-month interim Executive Director role at Leach Botanical Garden and consulted with 15 additional clients over the course of the year, mostly on board structure and process. Overall, the company worked with 41 clients in 2022.

Our health has been good, aside from a backpacking trip that ended abruptly with Elsa losing her footing during a stream crossing and a thudding clunk as she hit her forehead on a rock. Fortunately, her sturdy brain bucket bounced instead of cracking, and aside from a nasty bruise that spread down her left eye, she was up and running again in a couple of weeks no worse for wear.  Not long after that, Elsa hired a personal trainer to help her with muscle toning in addition to her regular cardio workouts. It is likely she’s in the best shape of her life aside from those teenage years when she played volleyball.  

So what about the theme of the year? “Clicking into place.”  We are at that age where the years behind us are likely greater than the years in front of us. Our perspective is shifting. Our priorities are changing. One never knows how many turns around the sun we have left, but we are trying to make the most of our time.  This year felt less dramatic, less showy. While around us we had friends who were struggling in a swirling hurricane of health issues, relationship stressors, aging parents, and personal challenges, our lives by contrast seemed settled, in a place of calm. We enjoyed the day today, enjoyed each other (and our super pooch), soaked in the meaningful work that lay before us, and took joy in our friendships.

Looking forward to 2023, we are hopeful that meaningful work continues, that we add travel adventures back into our lives, and that we can connect with family and friends. Nothing too fancy. Just enjoying life day by day, week by week. We hope this year lets us spend more time with you too!


Happy 2023.


Love Eric and Elsa 

(More photos below)

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